7313 Washington Ave S, Edina MN 55439

Get help finding a new mattress with a personalized recommendation from DeepSleep. DeepSleep has assisted thousand of customers to find their perfect mattress. We use your needs, preferences, body weight, and more to help you select a mattress perfectly suited to you!

    We need this so we can email you a response back. You will not be added to any type of email list.
    Select your primary sleeping position(s).
    Select your partner's primary sleeping position(s). Leave blank if you don't sleep with a partner.
    Which firmness level(s) best describe your preferred firmness? Select all that apply
    Which firmness level(s) best describe your partner's preferred firmness? Select all that apply. Leave blank if you don't sleep with a partner.
    We need this because body weight is a major factor in how a mattress feels and whether it's supportive enough for your sleeping position.
    Leave blank if you do not sleep with a partner.
    Select all that apply.
    Select the mattress types(s) that you are most interested in.
    What's the maximum amount you'd like to spend on the mattress?
    The mattress size you're looking for. Select all that apply.
    If there is any other relevant information you'd like to share with us please include it here.